Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

commodity Buy/sell Indicater on Date 03/08/2011

1. crude sell signal generated at  4160 hit low of 4075  total gain of 85 points
2. copper sell signal generated at 431  hit low of 425 total gain of 6 points     
3.silver buy signal generated at 60425  hit  high of  61800 gain of 1375 points

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011

crud oil buy / sell indicater on date 01/08/2011

crud oil buy signal generated at  4290 level hit high of  4340  total gain of 50 points
sell signal generated at 4290 level  hit low of  4160  total gain of 130 points

Buy / sell gold indicater -01/08/2011

gold buy signal generated at 23070 level hit high 23280 total gain of 200 points